Recently, I went away *alone* for a personal retreat! It was absolutely incredible. I'm a big introvert and having this much quiet time for rest and reflection was wonderful. It worked so well that I thought I’d share it with a few people and got a great response! So here it is. My gift to you. Enjoy!
Years ago in college, I worked in the box office of a small theatre in San Francisco that booked an extended run of the show Stomp. I remember the first time I saw the show and watched in complete awe as the performers turned ordinary items into musical instruments. That night, on my walk to the train station, everything began to seem like music: cars whooshing by, homeless people shaking cans of coins, bars dumping glass in bins, the trolley ringing its bell.
I begin at “one.” And instantly I think to myself, “I’m never going to make it to ten. This can’t work.” It’s the same story I’ve been telling myself for months now.
So this wasn’t a typical whining moment at the grocery store or while running an errand. This was an important moment that my children couldn’t yet comprehend. How to explain to two young, white children what this moment meant?